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Frank Chapman 2025

 Good morning,

It has been non-stop but we are having the best time!  Find out below what we have been up to and catch us in action learning new skills, building friendships, tackling challenges and making memories that will last a life time.


Day 1

We arrived at Frank Chapman, unpacked our cases and then headed to lunch- we were starving!  We then had a tour of the building and headed straight to activities: a farm visit, blind lines and mining.  Before our evening meal, we had free time, made our beds and carried out a practise fire drill.  With our bellies full, we headed out for a night walk to explore the grounds.  Finally (I know, all this on the first day), we settled with a refreshing drink and began writing in our diary.  After a busy first day we settled into bed and had a good night’s sleep ready for the next day.


Day 2

A bright and early start to get ready for breakfast and fill our bellies for the day ahead. Across the day, we split up into our groups to complete a new set of activities: bush craft, archery, a challenge course and geocaching.  Squeezed into this, we had lunch and our evening meal- which was delicious!  To finish the day, we freshened up with a shower (which was a mammoth task as there are 50 of us but we smashed it) and settled down to watch a film with a hot chocolate and a sweet treat snack.


Day 3

Today is our final day- it has flown!  Another early start: packing our case, stripping our beds, taking our luggage to storage and then heading for breakfast.  Our morning will be full of more activities as we embrace and immerse our self in the outdoor environment.  Before we leave, we will fill our bellies (for the last time) with lunch, pack our final bits from the Boot Room and board the coach for our journey home.


We can’t wait to see you to tell you all about our residential stay!

See you soon 😊
