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Year 2

The First Flight


The Wright Brothers - Find out about the lives of Orville and Wilbur Wright, the inventors of the first powered flying machine.


RAF Cosford - A great day out not too far from school and free to visit as well! Explore many different military and commercial aeroplanes and helicopters to learn more about how flight has changed over time.

Watch the video to find out more about the Wright brothers:

Mary Seacole & Florence Nightingale


Mary Seacole - Find out more about who Mary Seacole was and why we remember her today. Challenge yourself to sort the key events of her life and to score 5/5 in the quiz!


Florence Nightingale - Find out more about Florence Nightingale. What is similar about the lives of the two women? What is different about their lives?


Florence Nightingale Museum - It's a long way to go but there is a museum in London which celebrates the life of the two women. West Midlands Railway currently have a 2 for 1 offer if you travel by train.


Find out about Mary Seacole and why she is an important figure:

Find out about Florence Nightingale and why she is an important figure:

Local Heroes


Cyrille Regis - Visit the website for the charity that he founded to find out why Cyrille Regis is one of our local heroes.


There is a statue of Cyrille Regis in West Bromwich town centre.

See if you can find it and have your picture taken with it!


Listen to Dave Heeley ('Blind Dave') talk about his life and achievements in his own words:
