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Year 4

The Maya


BBC Bitesize - Information, videos and quizzes about lots of different aspects of Maya life.


Daily Life - Find out what daily life was like for the Maya. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and use the links if you want to explore some other aspects of Mayan civilization.

Mayan Civilization for Kids

Learn about the Mayan Civilization and their powerful empire that spread across ancient Mesoamerica.

Romans In Britain


BBC Bitesize - How did the Roman's conquer Britain and how did it change because of them?


Wroxeter Roman City - Visit the remains of the one of the largest cities in Roman Britain. It includes some reconstructed houses and a museum. It's about 45 minutes away from school by car.

The Romans in Britain

Join Esme on a journey back in time to discover why the Romans invaded, what life was like in Roman Britain and why Hadrian's Wall was built. Plus, make your own mosaic and even sample a taste of the past with a delicious recipe you can try at home!

The Anglo-Saxons


BBC Bitesize - Lots of easy to read information including videos and quizzes all about Anglo-Saxon Britain.


The Anglo-Saxons

Join Esme on a journey back in time to discover what life was like for the Anglo-Saxons, meet some famous saints, draw a Saxon and Viking warrior and even sample a taste of the past with a tasty recipe you can try at home. Visit St.
