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Edgmond Hall Blog

Hi everyone!

We have settled really well into our new routine and home for the next few days. When we arrived, we had a tour before completing some

team activities where we showed our school values, especially perseverance!! Before we knew it, it was lunch time! We filled our bellies with pizza and salad and fruit for pudding. 

After lunch, it was time to unpack and we even had to make our own beds!! After a little playtime, we had our dinner of fish fingers, chips and peas or beans and chocolate cake with custard for pudding. 

We finished off our first day with a night walk through the woods with our torches. We’ve had a fantastic first day and we can’t wait to find out what tomorrow has to bring!


We will post some photos tomorrow! 

We are all cosy and tucked up in bed with our teddies so goodnight everyone, we will write back tomorrow. 



